This page is maintained by Swanton Village, Inc and is intended to be the official online posting of public meetings and minutes in accordance with Vermont’s Open Meeting law (Amended July 1st, 2014).

Monday, May 14, 2012

Trustee Meeting Minutes - May 14th, 2012


Monday, May 14, 2012
7:00 PM

PRESENT: Ronald Kilburn, Village President; Chris Leach, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Reginald Beliveau, Village Manager; Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager; Dianne Day, Village Clerk; Leonard Stell, Chief of Police; and Channel 16.

Ronald Kilburn, Village President, welcomed all to the Regular Board of Trustees meeting and called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions carried unanimously.

1. Approve and Accept the Minutes from Monday, April 23, 2012 Meeting:

Adam Paxman made the motion to approve and accept the Minutes from Monday, April 23, 2012 as presented. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Reg Beliveau stated that in Item #6 there was a mistake. He said it stated that “FERC” was working on the Lower Dam issue and it should state Attorney Paul Nolan. Village Clerk made the correction. Chris Leach asked about the Smoking Ordinance issue, and stated they would discuss it at the JLB on May 23, 2012. He also asked about the lien issue and asked if landlords were now getting a copy of their tenants disconnect notice if all forms were signed? He was advised that yes they were attached to their accounts and would get notices if required. The correction was made, motion carried.

2. Approve and Accept the following Warrants: Warrant #418 for $139,600.13; Warrant #419 for $349,517.74; Warrant #420 for $499.47; Warrant #421 for $54,277.64; Warrant #422 for $440.54; Warrant #423 for $178,897.56; Warrant #424 for $152,577.31; and Warrant #425 for $334.96:

Chris Leach asked what Gabree & Sons Tree Trimming was used for. Reg explained for tree trimming in the Electric Department. Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve and accept Warrants #418 through #425 as presented. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.

3. 1st Quarter SQRP Report:

Chris Leach stated Swanton Village Electric is doing an excellent job in preventing outages, treating the customers with respect and handling the bills and work orders to satisfaction. He said the numbers are excellent and thanked everyone involved. Lynn Paradis explained the report and stated Swanton Village could have financial consequences if we didn’t have a satisfactory report and that we had to provide it to the Board of Trustees each quarter. Chris Leach stated they are in receipt of the report and it is in good standing.

4. 2011 Bridge Inspection Summary Report:

Chris Leach stated he read the report and overall the bridge is in good condition but the appraisal side of the report is not good. On the appraisal side of the report it states that the bridge does not meet the current standard for the bridge railings and guardrails. Reg Beliveau stated he hasn’t had time to make a few phone calls to find out the required standards but would do so. He stated the inspection summary states the entire guard rail system should be upgraded to meet current standards, the beam ends and bearings at the abutments should be extensively cleaned, painted and greased and that the overall condition of the bridge is satisfactory due to slow ongoing rust scaling along the exterior steel beam of the downstream side. Ron Kilburn asked if the Village could do those repairs and Reg stated no they would have to hire that done like the Interstate Overpass Bridge job. He stated he wanted to do some homework on the rating and would report back to the Board. Chris Leach advised they would wait and sign the report after Reg has looked into it further and requested they table this item until then. The Board agreed to table item #4.

5. Village Park Improvement Discussion:

Chris Leach asked Reg if he has talked with Russ Walters or Dave Hamlen yet regarding the trees in the Village Green? Reg stated not as of yet but did find their tree planting plan from 2001 and presented it to the Board. Eugene LaBombard stated there are several trees that need to come down. Chris Leach asked if Gabree & Sons would take down the dead trees in the Park and asked Reg to talk with Al Kinzinger in the Electric Department about this. Chris stated he would like to see these improvements done this summer and said they need new benches, some sidewalks added, their Veterans plaque created and maybe a kiosk in the Park at the end of First Street. Reg stated he wanted to purchase a few benches from Costco and said they flip over into a table top as well. He said he’d like to try those out in the park and see if they hold up. Chris also asked about the trees in Flat Iron Park. Reg said that Warren Fournier from the VFW stopped in and had a quote to get the Veteran’s plaque cleaned and asked if the Village and Town would split the cost with them to do so. Ron Kilburn advised that item was on the JLB agenda and they could discuss it then but the Board showed interest in doing so. Reg stated that Mr. Fournier has already purchased some new trees for that Park as well. Chris asked if they could install new lights in Flat Iron Park to match the Village Green. Reg stated he would mention that to Mr. Fournier but stated this is the Veteran’s park so it would be up to them.

The Board agreed to get together to do a walk through of the Park. They said the plans for this summer would be to remove the dead trees, plant some new trees, have new sidewalks installed as well as some new benches. He asked Reg to ask Mr. Fournier where they had their plaque made so they could contact that company for a quote on the Veterans plaque they want installed in the Village Green. They also want a Memorial Tree planted near the plaque.

6. Any Other Necessary Business:

Chris Leach gave another reminder about the Hazardous Waste Day to be held on Saturday, May 19th from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Town Garage on Fourth Street.

Any Other Business: Adam Paxman stated he’s seen some of the Police Department’s website and said they have been busy the last six months. He said he commends all their hard work. Adam also stated the Swans would be in the Village Green for Memorial Day weekend and thanked the Public Works crew for all they’ve done in the pond.

Any Other Business: Chief Stell handed out their monthly stat report to the Board for their review. This report showed all Village calls and all Town calls in the last 30 days. There were 94 calls in the Village and 39 calls in the Town. He stated they have been extremely busy and he wanted to show the Board the types of calls they have been getting.

Any Other Business: Reg Beliveau stated they have set aside funds in their budget to have work done on the exterior of the Village Complex. He said he received estimates for new vinyl siding and bids to remove the old siding and install the new siding. He showed the Board the samples of the new siding that would be installed, barn red on the bottom of the building and tan siding on the top in a cedar shake style for the top of the building. He said they are under budget so far and would like to install new lighting and have a new sign made as well. Eugene LaBombard asked if there was any indication of damage under the existing siding. Reg stated that when there is a driving rain or snow it comes in the office so that damage would also need to be repaired. Reg stated Swanton Lumber gave them a great price on the vinyl siding and said he appreciates their business. Chris Leach made the motion to have Reg Beliveau, Village Manager, proceed with the siding of the Municipal Building as proposed. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.

7. Executive Session to Discuss Personnel:

Eugene LaBombard made the motion to enter into Executive Session to Discuss Personnel at 8:00 p.m. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.

Chris Leach made the motion to exit Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.
ACTION TAKEN: The Board of Trustees authorized the hiring of one part time employee and one full time employee.

ADJOURN: Eugene LaBombard made the motion to adjourn the Regular Board of Trustees meeting at 9:06 p.m. Adam Paxman seconded. There being no further business at hand Ronald Kilburn, Village President; adjourned the Regular Board of Trustees meeting at 9:06 p.m.

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Ronald Kilburn, Village President                                Date

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Dianne Day, Village Clerk                                           Date