Monday, April 23, 2012
7:00 PM
Ronald Kilburn, Village President; Chris Leach, Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Eugene
LaBombard, Trustee; Reginald Beliveau, Village Manager; Lynn Paradis, Assistant
Village Manager; Dianne Day, Village Clerk; Amy Brewer, NMC; Shawn Cheney,
Village Resident; and Ch. 16.
Unless otherwise noted, all
motions carried unanimously.
Ronald Kilburn, Village President,
welcomed all to the Regular Board of Trustees meeting and called the meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m. He introduced the Board members present.
1. Approve and accept the Minutes from Monday, April
9, 2012 Public Hearing and Meeting:
Chris Leach made the motion
to approve and accept the Minutes from Monday, April 9, 2012 Public Hearing and
Meeting and was glad there was such a good turnout. Adam Paxman seconded.
Motion carried.
2. Approve the following Warrants: Warrant #413 for
$171,131.57; Warrant #414 for $406.19; Warrant #415 for $66,262.52; Warrant
#416 for $128,184.96; and Warrant #417 for $393.05:
LaBombard made the motion to approve Warrants #413 through #417 as presented.
He then asked what Southworth Milton vendor was for, they waited for Lynn
Paradis to arrive to answer before approving Warrants.
3. Amy Brewer – Discussion
on No Smoking Ordinance for Village Parks:
presented the Board with a Village of Swanton Parks Smoke Free Proposal to look
over. Adam Paxman asked who would be policing this proposal if adopted? Amy
advised it is pretty much self policing and that other communities posted signs
and said it is a process that takes time and is also based on good
communication. Eugene LaBombard said that the public has a big part in
enforcing it, that smokers are more tolerant of it and it seems to work,
smoking eventually disappears.
Paxman said he had concerns over it because it might detract from the events
the Chamber of Commerce holds in the Village Park. He said they struggle now to
get people there and he’s not convinced this is a good idea. Amy said that more
people don’t smoke and they won’t bring their families to events where there
will be smoking. Chris Leach said he is not a smoker but is against more
regulation if not needed and is happy to leave things status quo.
LaBombard said he doesn’t see anyone smoking outside now. Ron Kilburn asked
about people who chew tobacco, he said he picked up three containers of it last
week and said this seems like a solution without a problem. Chris said maybe
they should just put up signs that read “We Appreciate It If You Don’t Smoke.”
stated that many communities post signs and offered to get some for the
Village. She said she is here to advocate for the Ordinance and that this says
to the community that you want to create a healthy environment for everyone.
She said she prefers the adoption of the Ordinance and is even willing to go
and pick up cigarette butts to see how many there are on the ground in the
Beliveau stated that the Village has a new website and face book page and that
he wants to post the question there and see what kind of response they get. He
would also like to get Chief Stell’s opinion on the matter as far as enforcing
the Ordinance. Chris Leach stated he would rather see the Police Department
working on burglaries, speeding issues, etc. rather than smoking ordinances.
Adam Paxman advised they table this item for now because he’d like to do some more
research and he’d like to see what they get for a community response. Ronald
Kilburn mentioned that maybe this needs to be addressed at the next JLB meeting
to hear their thoughts as well. The Board agreed to table this item and address
it at the JLB meeting and to also invite Amy Brewer to that meeting as well.
Amy left Reg advised she had brought him fluorescent vests for people who walk
early in the morning and late in the evening. They are size large and can be
picked up at the Village office.
Paradis arrived and advised the Southworth Milton invoice was for the emergency
generator at the Hydro Plant and that they would be reimbursed for 50% of that
from their Velco ARRA grant. Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve
Warrants #413 through #417 as presented. Chris Leach seconded the motion,
unanimous. Motion carried.
4. Shawn Cheney –
Discussion on Electric Liens:
Cheney stated that first of all he would like to ask the Board that they change
their policy in accepting Postmarks on tax bills. He stated that as of now, the
Village of Swanton does not accept Postmarks and he feels this is a disservice
to the Village residents and non residents who pay taxes in the Village. He
said he was unaware that the Swanton Post Office sends all mail to Burlington
to be sorted and because of this you have the potential to be late in paying
your tax bill. We explained to him that after the due date all delinquent tax
bills are handed over to our delinquent tax collector with a warrant declaring the
amount of the delinquent taxes. If we were to keep the books open what date
would you choose to no longer accept Postmarks? We advised him that all bills
have a due date and that this due date is the same each year. Chris Leach asked
if taxpayers had the ability to pay their tax bill online? I advised that yes
they could through their own bank, they could send an online payment. Ron
Kilburn stated that he would look into this because he believes a principal
contract is deemed complete once posted in the US Mail and that Shawn’s point
may be a valid one. The Board advised they would look further into this.
stated his other concern was the Village of Swanton putting liens on landlords
for an unpaid bill left by a tenant. He said he talked with several landlords
and they were happy about our meeting and feel they were informed but that they
would like to see this rescinded. He said this is an expense to them that they
cannot control and feel it’s unconstitutional. He said he could take a tenant
to court for an eviction process and then find out months later the Village of
Swanton has put a lien on the property so he would then have to take that
person back to court at an additional expense to him. He worried about other
companies doing the same thing, holding landlords responsible for their
tenant’s bills. Lynn advised Shawn that only municipalities are allowed to lien
landowners. Shawn said this is a burden that will be passed on to good paying
tenants, and that they will have to raise the rents on elderly, etc. Lynn
stated how important it is to have good communication with us so that we know
who is moving in where. Adam stated he didn’t think there was any easy answer
and feels things need to change in Montpelier as well. He said landlords need
more rights than what they now have.
stated he would ask to have this put to another vote to rescind this. Eugene
stated that this procedure is not unique to Vermont. Chris stated the Landlord
Association Attorney should push for this kind of thing. He stated there is
approximately $90,000 placed in liens and we have 3,600 customers. Swanton
Village would have to collect these funds somehow. He said the legislature
needs to be more business friendly and that rental units are a business. He
said as a Village they need to protect their ratepayers.
Beliveau stated that everyone in the front office does a great job and Shawn
agreed to this. Lynn stated the Public Service Board is for the customers and
not the utilities and that there are approximately 10% of the customers who
abuse the system. Eugene asked that when a tenant is past due on their account
is the landlord notified. We advised him that we are working with Cogsdale to
get this feature working and that we will send all landlords a copy of their tenants
disconnect notice as long as they have the authorization form signed by their
tenant. Shawn also mentioned being told not to pay the lien in case the tenant
moves back into our system. He said this is upsetting because 1% overdue
interest is charged monthly. Shawn again stated he would like the Village of
Swanton to rescind its Charter change.
discussion took place regarding our disconnect procedure and rules. At this
point in time Adam Paxman made the motion to have all landlords notified when a
disconnect notice is printed on their tenants account as long as the tenant
authorization form is signed. Chris Leach seconded. Chris stated that this is
an ongoing process but the main goal is to keep collecting past due accounts
and to keep the rates down. Motion carried.
5. Park Improvement
took place regarding the Park Improvements to be done at the Village Green,
Marble Mill and Flat Iron Park. They said the primary piece will be a tree
revitalization program and they will stagger the growth. They stated they would
like more sidewalks and also have some benches put in. They mentioned the trees
that Dave Hamlen planted a few years back and said they would like to take a
look at that again and see where they are as far the planting of trees goes.
Adam mentioned there are several pine trees in the Village Green that need to
be cut down. The Board would also like to see a sidewalk installed at Marble
Mill Park that ended up meeting Webster Terrace. Eugene stated the first thing
they need to do is cut the dead trees out and should get an estimate from local
tree trimmers. They mentioned repairing the fountain as well. Chris stated that
the main improvements would be trees, sidewalks, benches, Veterans sign and
trash receptacles. Ron Kilburn stated that the stone canoe at Marble Mill needs
repair as well. He also stated that Dave Hamlen is the tree warden and that the
Village cannot cut a tree down until they meet with Dave and have him inspect
the tree. The Board stated they should do a walk thru of the Parks, draft a
plan and then take action.
6. Update on Lower Village
Reg Beliveau advised the
Board he has received quotes from H.L. Turner and Paul Nolan regarding moving
forward with the project. Reg stated he felt it was in the best interest to
continue to move forward with the necessary permits and to also try and get
some grant money to help with the project. Reg provided the Board with a
spreadsheet showing that there isn’t a cash flow for 20 years. Lynn provided
the Board with the research she’s done and said it would be cheaper to purchase
power than to generate it here. Adam stated he feels this isn’t feasible at
this point in time. Reg agreed but said it would be if they received grant
money. Chris stated he didn’t want to totally dismiss this as of yet and that
it may be feasible at some point and to keep looking at it. Reg advised that Attorney
Paul Nolan was still working on this and that they have a two year permit in
Chris stated that they moved
forward with Unit #5 at the Hydro Plant and said that this might be pertinent
to the Downtown Dam. He said they would like to be able to either break even or
make money at it. Reg stated they needed to decide how much they wanted to
spend on this project. The Board agreed that they wanted to spend the minimum
amount of money to keep their permits in place and to maintain water rights.
7. Any Other Necessary Business:
Chris Leach informed the
viewers that on May 19, 2012 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. there will be a Hazardous
Waste Day at the Town Garage on Fourth Street. He informed the Board that the
legislature did not pass the plastic bag and water bottle waste bill. He said
things are looking pretty good and their goal is to not cause more cost to
their local haulers. He also said that members can drop off computers, TV’s,
monitors, etc. due to the Electronics Bill that was passed. He said these items
can be dropped off at the Georgia plant.
Chris also stated he wants to
begin discussion on the Grand List in the near future.
Any Other Business: Adam Paxman wanted to remind the viewers that Saturday, May 5th
is Green Up Day and that people are meeting here at the Village Complex at 8
a.m. and is again being run by Camille Freeman. He encouraged residents to show
up and help out.
Any Other Business: Eugene LaBombard asked if the generation has been low in the last
couple of weeks due to low precipitation. Reg said yes it was down due to that
fact. Eugene asked how the Water Treatment Plant upgrade was going. Reg advised
they are working on the new lagoon, have installed the sprinkler system and
that Drummac will drain the other two lagoons. He said due to high arsenic
levels they could not land apply so they needed Drummac to remove the sludge.
Eugene asked if the filtration system was installed yet. Reg said not yet and
that they are coming in June. He said the inside is ready, the plumbing is
ready and that everything is progressing fine.
Any Other Business: Ron Kilburn asked if the Village ordered copies of their meetings
from Channel 15. I said that we’ve needed to order one in the past but we don’t
on a regular basis. The Board thought that this was a good idea and that way
the meetings wouldn’t have to be taped by the Clerk.
8. Executive Session to Discuss Contracts and Real
Chris Leach made the motion
to enter Executive Session to discuss Contracts and Real Estate at 9:15 p.m.
Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.
Adam Paxman made the motion
to exit Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. Chris Leach seconded. Motion carried.
The Board of Trustees advised Village Manager Reg Beliveau to re-visit raising
the rent on farmer’s rental property in 2013 and having them sign five year
rental leases on these rental properties.
ADJOURN: Eugene LaBombard made the motion to adjourn the Regular
Board of Trustees meeting at 9:41 p.m. Chris Leach seconded. There being no
further business at hand Ronald Kilburn, Village President; adjourned the Regular
Board of Trustees meeting at 9:41 p.m.
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Ronald Kilburn, Village
President Date
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Dianne Day, Village Clerk Date