This page is maintained by Swanton Village, Inc and is intended to be the official online posting of public meetings and minutes in accordance with Vermont’s Open Meeting law (Amended July 1st, 2014).

Tuesday, February 26, 2013



7:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Ronald Kilburn, Village President; Chris Leach, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Reginald Beliveau, Village Manager; Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager; Dianne Day, Village Clerk; Leonard Stell, Chief of Police; Rick King, Fire Chief; Wayne Elliott, Aldrich & Elliott; Darcy Scott, Sandy Kilburn, Ron Reynolds, Dick Thompson, Jason Cross, Larry Wall, Louise LaBombard, Suzanne Washburn, Darla Blondo and Channel 16.

Ronald Kilburn, Village President, welcomed all to the Informational Meeting and Public Hearing and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. He led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance and also led a Moment of Silence for longtime community member Alan Winters.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions carried unanimously.

1. Informational Meeting & Public Hearing – 2013 Village Annual Warning and Water Bond for Reservoir Transmission Line and Village Distribution Lines:

Ron Kilburn, Village President, reminded everyone that Swanton Village and Town will be celebrating their 250th anniversary celebration this summer. He read the 2013 Village Annual Warning. Reg Beliveau, Village Manager; read the General Fund and Highway Fund articles and asked if there were any questions. None were asked. He then read the Fire Department article and asked Rick King to help explain some of their budget items. Rick stated they tried to keep their budget as low as possible but the new truck has been ordered and will be delivered this summer. He said his budget went up $6,482 and some of that was insurance, things they could not control. He thanked everyone for past support and hopes they will continue to support the Fire Department. Larry Wall asked questions about the maintenance of the vehicles and accident calls. Reg Beliveau also stated the volunteer firefighters have not received a pay increase since 2006. He said he has asked them about it and were told no because they would rather put that money into equipment and training. He says that says a lot about the department.

Reg read the Police Department article and asked for questions. Ron Reynolds stated he had several. He asked about the department having 6 full time and 5 part time officers so why are they hiring another part time officer. He asked about the miscellaneous income increasing, the Town of Swanton police contract stating covering the Town of Swanton and Highgate is costing the Village taxpayers money, he asked about grant money going from $37,462 to $0 and also asked about the non cash gift that’s listed in the Village Report. Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager, stated the grant income refers to the SRO (Student Resource Officer) that works at MVUHS. She said there is no longer a contract in place for the coming year and MVU will now pay  his salary so she couldn’t list it under grant income. Instead his salary is listed in the miscellaneous income. Lynn also stated that the Town Police Contract is for Swanton Town only, they do not cover the Town of Highgate. Chief Stell advised that the non cash gift was from the State of Vermont Military Department. He said they received two humvees and a boat and are able to let other departments in the Village use them. He said the humvees are equipped with all sorts of things that would help the Public Works and Electric Departments out in an emergency. He said the boat will be used by the Fire Department. Lynn also explained the Town Police Contract only list $29,190 for 2013 because she doesn’t have a signed contract in place for that either. She said the voters will need to approve it in March so until then it’s not on the books. Dick Thompson stated the Town lists it as an expense for the year and asked why she didn’t book it. She stated her accounting practices lead her to do it this way and that whether it’s listed or not it doesn’t change the tax rate. Ron Kilburn stated his questions were addressed and that they would now move on.

Reg then read the Surplus Funds article and Larry Wall stated this has been a bone of contention with him. He feels if there are surplus funds in a department they would be inclined to overspend those funds on something they really didn’t need which would affect the taxpayers. Chris Leach stated the voters addressed this years’ ago and requested they do this. He said it helps offset budgets and is used to purchase something useful. He said they could show the taxpayers where all funds go. Lynn stated she agreed with Mr. Wall but said as of now there is a little bit of a surplus in the Police and Fire Departments. She said the surplus funds in the Highway Department were turned back to the taxpayers because of First Street needing to be re-paved.

Reg then read the Message Board request article. Chris Leach stated they received bids on this and it will cost $5200 to build a Message Board to be placed downtown. They are thinking of possibly putting it over by the Chamber office. He said this board will also be able to hold banners and they will do away with the public notices at the end of First Street in the park. He said this would be neat and attractive and designed to fit downtown. Suzanne Washburn stated the Chamber of Commerce should pay for this. Chris said their tradition has been to beautify the parks paid for by the Village not the Chamber of Commerce. Adam Paxman said it’s not definite that it’s going by the Chamber Office. Darla Blondo said she agreed with Suzanne on this issue. The Board said that’s why it was added to the Ballot, so the taxpayers can decide.

Ron Kilburn asked if there were any further questions regarding any of the budget items. None were asked. He thanked everyone for their questions. He stated the Public Hearing would be heard next.

Reg Beliveau began the Public Hearing by informing everyone of the many water breaks Mike Menard and his crew have been working on recently. He showed the difficulty in getting to the water break on the transmission line that is located down by the river behind Hodgdon Brothers. He said the last break they worked on totaled 33 hours and was in the middle of a snow storm. He said the crew worked through the night so customers were not affected by loss of water. Reg also mentioned the water leaks on Canada and Dunning Street, Middle Road and Grand Avenue. He said there is another leak on the transmission line as well and the crew will get to that one as soon as they can.

Wayne Elliott, Aldrich & Elliott Engineers, explained that his firm did a study of the Village water system back in 2009 to identify transmission and distribution deficiencies. He said they then prioritized areas for improvements. He stated the Reservoir Transmission Main Problems are: It’s still the original 12” cast iron pipeline susceptible to leaks and water loss, portions of the pipeline are under the Missisquoi River and not accessible for maintenance or repairs, undersized pipes limit fire flows to the Village and if the main is out of service, very limited fire protection is provided to the Village and a recent leak took approximately 33 hours to locate and repair.

Wayne explained the Distribution Piping Problems include: original 1940’s cast iron pipelines with universal joints, potential for frequent leaks and water loss, 2 recent leaks were repaired, the latest on Canada Street caused a water loss of about 130,000 gpd (gallons per day); and said that areas with 6” pipes are undersized for fire flow conditions.

Aldrich & Elliott recommended Water System Improvements are: Reservoir Transmission Main (Contract No. 2) and Distribution Piping (Contract No. 3). The Reservoir Transmission Main Contract No. 2 would install 12,000’ of new 16” transmission main on Robin Hood Drive, Rail Trail, Waugh Farm Rd., Donaldson Rd. and Reservoir Rd. They would also directional bore under the river crossing. Distribution Piping would be installed on Fourth Street, Second Street and Canada Street. Wayne advised there would be 1,120’ of new 12” waterline installed on Fourth Street from Grand Avenue to Liberty Street. There would also be new water services and curb stops installed along with new fire hydrants and new valves. Second Street would have 1,200’ of new 10” waterline installed from Grand Avenue to Greenwich Street. There would be new water services and curb stops along with new fire hydrants and new valves. Canada Street would have 1,400’ of new waterline installed from Grand Avenue to Spring Street with new water services and curb stops, new fire hydrants and new valves.

Wayne showed the Total Project Cost Summary to be: Contract No. 2 Reservoir Transmission Main $2,070,000 and Contract No. 3 Distribution Piping $1,000,000 for a total of $3,070,000. He explained the Bond Vote amount requested is $3,070,000. He said the Village would also seek approval to use the uncommitted funds from the Water Treatment Plant upgrade which is $800,000. If approved the total bond would be $2,270,000. Wayne explained the available funding source is the State of Vermont Drinking Water Revolving Loan for a term of 20 years with an interest rate of 3.0%. He said the annual loan amount would be $206,300.

The Projected Impact on Water Rates: Debt retirement paid by Village and Town water customers, the loan repayment begins in 2016, the monthly water bill will increase by $4 per month for a typical Village residential customer.

Suzanne Washburn asked if this was part of the $8.75 million dollar contract the Village asked for a few years ago and asked if the Village is getting less feet of coverage for more money now. Wayne stated yes they are getting less work done and each year it increased by 3 to 4%. He said smaller jobs throughout the Village could be done through capital expense funds and not by bonds. Suzanne said that had they gotten approval a few years ago the Village would have more feet of coverage. She urged the taxpayers to approve this article. She said the Highway crew is always on task when there is a break and they should be commended for their work.

Reg also advised everyone that Lynn has been working with Mike on a 5 year plan. They are now funding depreciation in the water rates and are hoping to repair 500 feet of pipe each year on some of the smaller streets throughout the Village. The Village will be able to pay cash for these jobs by funding depreciation.

Larry Wall stated the park benches in the Village Green are very nice and asked if any trash receptacles were going in. Reg stated yes they are going to order some.

Reg Beliveau showed everyone the Village’s Year in Review 2012 slideshow of various projects done throughout the Village of Swanton. Some of the projects shown were construction at the Water Plant, installing the Transformer on Elm Street, Swanton Mobil job, safety training in the Electric Department, Verizon Tower ready work at the Complex, the installation of Unit #5 at the Hydro Plant, Fish and Wildlife stocking salmon by the Power House, the Solar Aerator installation at the Waste Water Plant, the 16” valve installed on the water transmission line behind Project 10; planting trees in the Village Green, the new benches, new sidewalks installed, MVU artwork in the Office, the Duck Stamp artwork displayed, the new Complex sign, new vinyl siding on the Complex, the Village President and Police Officer Andrew Underwood being sworn in and the 2012 retiree’s.

Reg also mentioned some of the 2013 upcoming projects which include fixing more water main leaks, transmission and distribution upgrades, sidewalk repair, park improvements, First Street paving, bridge deck repairs, UV System upgrade at the Waste Water Plant, pole replacements in the Electric Department fiber optic cable to be run at Water Plant and Waste Water Plant as well as completing lagoons.

Lynn also stated that Swanton Village continues to have the lowest electric rates in the State of Vermont and that is a huge testament to the Hydro Plant and trimming our lines. She stated the tax rate went from .6524 to .6872. The Board thanked those who attended.

2. Any Other Necessary Business:


3. Executive Session (if necessary):


ADJOURN: Adam Paxman made the motion to adjourn the Informational Meeting and Public Hearing at 9:10 p.m. Chris Leach seconded. There being no further business at hand Ronald Kilburn, Village President, adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m.

_____________________________________                      _______________________________________
Ronald Kilburn, Village President                                Date

_____________________________________                      _______________________________________
Dianne Day, Village Clerk                                           Date

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Trustee Meeting Minutes - February 20th 2013


7:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Ronald Kilburn, Village President; Chris Leach, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Reginald Beliveau, Village Manager; Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager; and Dianne Day, Village Clerk.

Ronald Kilburn, Village President, welcomed all to the Special Board of Trustees Meeting and called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Ron asked Reg to explain why he needed a Special Meeting. Reg explained that he received information regarding an electric rate increase that needed to be addressed by the Board before their Informational Meeting next week. Chris Leach stated that when they had their last rate increase they knowingly anticipated another one.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions carried unanimously.

1. Approve and Accept the Minutes from Monday, February 11, 2013:

Chris Leach made the motion to approve and accept the Minutes from Monday, February 11, 2013 as presented. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Discussion: Chris stated the presentation given by Wayne Elliott at their last meeting was very informative.  Motion carried.

2. Approve Village Warrants Through February 15, 2013:

Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve and accept Village Warrants (#526-#528) through February 8, 2013 as presented. Chris Leach seconded. Discussion: None. Motion carried.

3. Electric Rate Discussion:

Reg Beliveau and Lynn Paradis explained to the Board that they have met with VPPSA and have discussed going forward with a rate case to study increasing the electric rates. They stated that VPPSA has recommended they ask for a 10.69% rate increase. They talked about the extremely dry weather last year and how that affects generation. They also discussed the market conditions and how they are not getting paid what they were in past years for the generation at the Hydro Facility.

Reg provided the Board with a handout explaining the Village filed for a rate increase in 2010, a 16.45% increase was filed and approved and it had been 16 years since their last increase. The Village Bond payments are $1.25 million dollars per year with $608,000 in interest for a total of $1.84 million dollars per year. Net monthly income for 2012 was $7892; retail revenue for 2012 - $548,177 a month billed. The OM for 2012 - $610,869 a month, today the Village is $100,000 short each month to pay bond payments. He showed the Village Total Debt Load is $11,272,416 all at the Hydro Plant.

This handout showed a residential service would see an increase of $7.53 per month and commercial service accounts would see an increase of $11.62 per month. Industrial and Large Commercial accounts would see an increase of $290.67 per month.

Chris Leach made the motion to authorize the Village of Swanton’s Electric Department to file a rate increase not to exceed 11.5%. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried. The Village of Swanton will file their rate increase on February 28, 2013. Rates will go into effect 45 days from filing. Rate increase will take effect in April 2013.

Lynn advised the Board she would put inserts in with the utility billing explaining the rate increase.

4. Water Rate Discussion:

Eugene LaBombard made the motion to enter into a Water Commissioner’s Meeting to discuss Water Rates. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.

Lynn Paradis informed the Board the Village of Swanton is anticipating an increase in the Water Department. She presented the projected rates for 2013 through 2017. She requested from the Board permission to increase the water rates effective April 2013.

Eugene LaBombard made the motion to authorize the Village of Swanton’s Water Department to increase the water rates effective April 15, 2013 by 12.52%. Adam Paxman seconded.

Eugene LaBombard made the motion to exit Water Commissioner’s meeting at 8:50 p.m. Chris Leach seconded.

5. Any Other Necessary Business:

Eugene LaBombard stated that a citizen brought to his attention that it is very dark between Cody’s CafĂ© and Dupre’s Store on Canada Street. He said he checked it and the lights are pointing straight down and it is dark from the Post Office to Dupre’s Store. We advised him a work order would be done and the Electric Department would check it out.

Any Other Business: Reg Beliveau informed the Board that the Village has made an amendment to the Village Employee’s Handbook regarding Overtime Hours worked. He read the addendum to the Board. The Board suggested a minor change in the wording. Adam Paxman made the motion to authorize the Village of Swanton to amend the Employee Handbook regarding Overtime Hours. Chris Leach seconded. Motion carried.

Any Other Business: Lynn Paradis informed the Board that she attended a meeting last week regarding the new health care plan for 2014. She said the rates will go up but they couldn’t say how much at this time. She said the plan coverage will be less and the rates will be more. The rates will be filed in March and she thinks a decision will need to be made by October. She stated the Village employees remain loyal to the Village because of our benefits and stated her frustrations over this. She will keep the Board informed.

Any Other Business: Ron Kilburn stated Article #13 on the Town Ballot will be asking for $30,000 to rebuild the front steps of the Swanton Public Library. He said there is water leaking into the basement and said it is critical that they refurbish this historic building. He urged everyone to support this article. He said they want to also restore the historical lanterns to put on the light posts there. He said they have them in the basement and they are the old frosted globes.

Any Other Business: Ron Kilburn stated that the woodchip trucks are speeding down Grand Avenue between 3 and 4 p.m. Reg Beliveau stated he would let the Chief of Police know. The Board stated they would like speed stations set up around the Village.

6. Executive Session (if necessary):


ADJOURN: Adam Paxman made the motion to adjourn the Special Board of the Trustees meeting at 9:20 p.m. Chris Leach seconded. There being no further business at hand Ronald Kilburn, Village President, adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.

_____________________________________                      _______________________________________
Ronald Kilburn, Village President                                Date

_____________________________________                      _______________________________________
Dianne Day, Village Clerk                                           Date

Monday, February 11, 2013

Trustee Meeting Minutes - Feb 11th, 2013


7:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Ronald Kilburn, Village President; Chris Leach, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Reginald Beliveau, Village Manager; Dianne Day, Village Clerk; Neal Speer, and Channel 16.

Ronald Kilburn, Village President, welcomed all to the Regular Board of Trustees Meeting & Public Hearing and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions carried unanimously.

1. Approve and Accept the Minutes from Monday, January 28, 2013:

Chris Leach made the motion to approve and accept the Minutes from Monday, January 28, 2013 as presented. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Discussion: Chris advised that at that meeting they adopted the 2013 Village Annual Warning and Water System Improvement Warning and said they could be viewed online at the Village’s website:  Motion carried.

2. Approve Village Warrants Through February 8, 2013:

Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve and accept Village Warrants (#526-#528) through February 8, 2013 as presented. Chris Leach seconded. Discussion: None. Motion carried.

3. Public Hearing – Water Bond for Reservoir Transmission Line and Village Distribution Lines:

Reg Beliveau began the Public Hearing by informing them of the many water breaks Mike Menard and his crew have been working on recently. He showed the difficulty in getting to the water break on the transmission line that is located down by the river behind Hodgdon Brothers. He said the last break they worked on totaled 33 hours and was in the middle of a snow storm. He said the crew worked through the night so customers were not affected by loss of water. Reg also mentioned the water leaks on Canada and Dunning Street, Middle Road and Grand Avenue. He said there is another leak on the transmission line as well and the crew will get to that one as soon as they can. Chris Leach said there is a big lesson in this and said these leaks are painful to fix. He said the lines are in desperate need of replacing and that a 33 hour overtime repair job is very costly. He said most of these water leaks are invisible to the customers because the crew is so diligent in repairing them in the overnight hours. Reg said the same happened with the Water Treatment Plant, the customers were not impacted by the upgrade. Eugene LaBombard asked how old most of these lines were, Reg said some of them were installed in 1947.

Wayne Elliott, Aldrich & Elliott Engineers, explained that his firm did a study of the Village water system back in 2009 to identify transmission and distribution deficiencies. He said they then prioritized areas for improvements. He stated the Reservoir Transmission Main Problems are: It’s still the original 12” cast iron pipeline susceptible to leaks and water loss, portions of the pipeline are under the Missisquoi River and not accessible for maintenance or repairs, undersized pipes limit fire flows to the Village and if the main is out of service, very limited fire protection is provided to the Village and a recent leak took approximately 36 hours to locate and repair.

Wayne explained the Distribution Piping Problems include: original 1940’s cast iron pipelines with universal joints, potential for frequent leaks and water loss, 2 recent leaks were repaired, the latest on Canada Street caused a water loss of about 130,000 gpd (gallons per day); and said that areas with 6” pipes are undersized for fire flow conditions.

Aldrich & Elliott recommended Water System Improvements are: Reservoir Transmission Main (Contract No. 2) and Distribution Piping (Contract No. 3). The Reservoir Transmission Main Contract No. 2 would install 12,000’ of new 16” transmission main on Robin Hood Drive, Rail Trail, Waugh Farm Rd., Donaldson Rd. and Reservoir Rd. They would also directional bore under the river crossing. Distribution Piping would be installed on Fourth Street, Second Street and Canada Street. Wayne advised there would be 1,120’ of new 12” waterline installed on Fourth Street from Grand Avenue to Liberty Street. There would also be new water services and curb stops installed along with new fire hydrants and new valves. Second Street would have 1,200’ of new 10” waterline installed from Grand Avenue to Greenwich Street. There would be new water services and curb stops along with new fire hydrants and new valves. Canada Street would have 1,400’ of new waterline installed from Grand Avenue to Spring Street with new water services and curb stops, new fire hydrants and new valves.

Wayne showed the Total Project Cost Summary to be: Contract No. 2 Reservoir Transmission Main $2,070,000 and Contract No. 3 Distribution Piping $1,000,000 for a total of $3,070,000. He explained the Bond Vote amount requested is $3,070,000. He said the Village would also seek approval to use the uncommitted funds from the Water Treatment Plant upgrade which is $800,000. If approved the total bond would be $2,270,000. Wayne explained the available funding source is the State of Vermont Drinking Water Revolving Loan for a term of 20 years with an interest rate of 3.0%. He said the annual loan amount would be $206,300.

The Projected Impact on Water Rates: Debt retirement paid by Village and Town water customers, the loan repayment begins in 2016, the monthly water bill will increase by $4 per month for a typical Village residential customer. He said the bond vote is Tuesday, March 5th from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. There will be another Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 26th at 7 p.m.

Ron Kilburn asked Wayne what would remain undone after this project. Wayne stated there is still a fair amount of old cast iron pipes throughout the Village. He said there are a lot of 2, 4 and 6 inch lines that need replacing. Neal Speer asked how construction costs compare to when they did the Water Treatment Plant upgrade. Wayne stated the earlier they go out to bid the better price they will get. He said they would split this into the two contracts so more contractors can bid the job.

Chris Leach stated he has been a Trustee for 15 years and said they have talked about these upgrades every year and this is the best route to go. He said the interest rates are good right now and this is still a doable project. He said there are numerous water line breaks every year and the conditions are getting worse. He said this is a well engineered project and urged the voters to approve both contracts in March. Eugene LaBombard asked if this would affect a homeowner’s insurance for their fire rating protection. Wayne advised there isn’t a requirement for fire protection but there needs to be a minimum flow requirement. Chris stated Aldrich & Elliott did a great job on the Water Treatment Plant upgrade and said they understand what the Village can afford. He said the Public Works Department has done their homework and have recommended these next steps and he urged for voter approval.

Ron Kilburn asked what the worst case scenarios were. Reg Beliveau stated fire protection was at risk and said these old smaller lines need to be replaced. Chris Leach said there have been multiple 12” water line breaks and more will happen. Eugene LaBombard stated these are major breaks and they haven’t mentioned all the smaller ones. He said on average there are 25 breaks per year. Wayne said Reg should show what the 33 hour overtime job cost the Village. Neal Speer stated that if these jobs weren’t fixed in house it would be way more expensive. The Board thanked Wayne Elliott for his slideshow presentation.

4. Any Other Necessary Business:

Eugene LaBombard asked if the Audit was complete yet. Reg advised it was and said there were no issues. Eugene also stated a Public Works employee had stopped him while doing snow removal and asked him to call the Police Department to have a vehicle removed from the sidewalk on Spring Street.

Any Other Business: Chris Leach advised the Board he is still working on the Veterans appreciation sign and will keep them informed.

Any Other Business: Ron Kilburn stated there is a tentative JLB meeting scheduled for February 20th and asked if that worked for everyone. Chris Leach suggested they wait until voting is done and said they should meet at the end of March. All agreed. Ron also stated they had their first meeting regarding the 250th Anniversary of Swanton. He said they had great attendance, a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of fun. He said there is a long list of ideas and the next meeting is in March. He suggested a website specifically for this event, Reg stated Rich Kelley had already created it and the address is: Ron also reminded everyone the Village Informational meeting is Tuesday, February 26th at 7 p.m. and said they would have another public hearing regarding the water bond issue.

Reg Beliveau stated he needed an Executive Session to discuss personnel.

10. Executive Session (if necessary):

Chris Leach made the motion to enter into Executive Session to Discuss Personnel at 8:10 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.

Chris Leach made the motion to exit Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.


ADJOURN: Chris Leach made the motion to adjourn the Regular Board of the Trustees meeting and Public Hearing at 9:00 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. There being no further business at hand Ronald Kilburn, Village President, adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

_____________________________________                      _______________________________________
Ronald Kilburn, Village President                                Date

_____________________________________                      _______________________________________
Dianne Day, Village Clerk                                           Date