Monday, April 11, 2022
7:00 PM
PRESENT: Neal Speer, Village President; Chris Leach, Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Reginald Beliveau Jr., Village Manager; Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager; Dianne Day, Village Clerk; Janet Dimick, SPAN; Alan Letourneau and Ch. 16. Via Zoom: Elisabeth Nance, Economic Development Coordinator; and Gordon Winters.
Unless otherwise noted, all motions carried unanimously.
- Call to Order:
Neal Speer, Village President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
- Pledge of Allegiance:
Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Agenda Review:
Reg Beliveau stated he needed an executive session to discuss personnel.
- Public Comment – Janet Dimick request permission to hold Gathering of the Realms with alcohol sales, bon fire and overnight camping on Swanton Rec Fields in September 2022; Update from Economic Development Coordinator Elisabeth Nance on Downtown Implementation Grant:
Janet Dimick was present for this discussion. She informed the board that she has spoken with Reg Beliveau and Brian Savage and has come up with a vendor application form. Neal Speer asked what kind of performers would be at the event. Janet said they are looking at doing a 15th century encampment with performances such as nighttime war fighting, belly dancers, sword dancers, fire dancers, jugglers, and any kind of performers that would like to attend. She said she gave a brief description at this time because she’s not sure her event will get approval and therefore hasn’t advertised it. Neal asked if any of these performers were from out of state. Janet said she is trying to keep it contained to Vermonters if possible. She said she was asked at the last meeting about how many people would attend. She said she knows of 4 other events going on that same weekend and this is brand new to Swanton. She feels there may be around 2,000 people that come through over the weekend. She said no bigger than the last Arts Spectacular that was held in the Village Green a couple of years ago. Chris Leach asked where all those cars would be parked. She said she is working on that and they need to have a discussion with the Police Chief. She said she may have to request permission to use the elementary school parking lot and also at the Fourth Street property that is vacant right now. She said people could then walk down the rail trail to the event. Adam Paxman asked about smoking in a designated area. Janet said there is no smoking allowed on the recreational fields so she may have to figure out how to handle this. She said it might just end up being no smoking allowed on the property. Adam also asked about the certificate of insurance and asked if the Arts Council was going to provide one. She said she is working on that as well and they will have what is needed prior to the event. He also asked about security and asked if she has talked with Chief Sullivan regarding that. Janet said she has not because she doesn’t know if they’re allowed to hold the event or not. She said some of them have security of their own but if they need the Village Police or Sheriff’s Department she will work that out. He also wanted to know if she has touched base with the neighboring businesses and residents. She said she hasn’t but will talk with everyone on Jewett and Blake Street prior to the event. Adam said his last question is what does she need from them? Janet said she would like permission to hold the two-day event as well as allowing the participants to have overnight camping. She said she would also talk with the fire department if approved, to get approval for a bon fire. Chris Leach said they’ve talked about parking and feels there is enough available. He said she needs to think about port-o-lets and garbage cans for the event. Janet agreed with that as well. Chris asked about how much advertising they would do. Janet said she is thinking about using WOKO and Northwest Access TV. She said this is brand new and they would like to have a good turnout. Chris asked if they considered any other areas to hold this event. She said they had but it didn’t work out. Chris said he was excited to have this event held here in Swanton. Eugene asked where the other events were being held. Janet said Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New York. She said this would be the second event held in Vermont with the other one being held in Stowe in June. Neal asked if a fee would be charged for entry. Janet said they are thinking about charging to park cars which includes entry into the fair. She said they hope to at least break even. Neal asked if there were any grants available to apply for. She said she is in the process of applying for a grant.
Adam Paxman made the motion to authorize the sale of alcohol on the Village owned property at the Swanton Recreational fields September 10-11, 2022 for the Gathering of the Realms event pending all guidelines are met. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.
Adam Paxman made the motion to approve the Gathering of the Realms event to be held September 10-11, 2022 at the Swanton Recreational fields as presented. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Elisabeth Nance, Economic Development Coordinator, said she received notification that Regional Planning has gotten permission to use the brownfield funds for Phase II clean up at the Riveria Hotel property. They are hoping to start this at the end of May with a 30-day EPA approval that needs to be done. She said hopefully they will begin to see some progress there by Memorial Day. She said they will need to abate and dispose of hazardous waste material and are also hoping this can be done in concert with the demolition. She said there should be significant movement there this summer.
Elisabeth also stated she heard from VTrans Transportation Alternative Grant that the Village has been awarded the $375,000 grant for the Downtown Implementation. She said this will provide the all-way stop on Grand Avenue and First Street, shorten the crosswalk on Grand Avenue by Cody’s Restaurant, relocate the crosswalk by Ace Hardware and Merchants Row and to install the sidewalk adjacent to Merchant’s Row. She said they were the only Franklin County project to be awarded this grant. She also said there is a 20% match that is required which is $75,000. She said they planned on putting that on the March ballot but it didn’t happen. She said they will need approximately $2500 to $4000 this year and said ARPA funds could be used for that because it falls under public health. Adam Paxman asked if CBDG funds could be used for this. Lynn Paradis advised no because those are loan funds and federal funds. Adam said he would rather use ARPA funds for this. Eugene LaBombard asked if there was a certain timeline on this project. Elisabeth said no and she thinks construction would begin in four years. Gordon Winters said he wanted to clarify that regarding the sidewalk on Merchants Row no concrete design has been planned. He said all merchants and owners will collaborate on that and all have input on the design. The Board thanked Elisabeth for her work on this project. She stated she would need the Project Commitment Form approved and signed by Reg Beliveau
Eugene LaBombard made the motion to authorize Village Manager Reginald Beliveau Jr. to sign the Project Commitment Form for the Downtown Implementation Grant. Chris Leach seconded. Chris stated that the Board of Trustees are 100% behind this project. Motion carried.
- Executive Session to Discuss Contracts:
Reg Beliveau informed the Board that some of the Highgate Selectboard members couldn’t make tonight’s meeting so they didn’t need to go into executive session. He said he received a Memorandum of Understanding as well as a contract for them to review. He said they will schedule a special meeting if necessary in the near future for this project.
- Approve and Accept Minutes from Monday, March 21, 2022 as presented:
Chris Leach made the motion to approve and accept minutes from the March 21, 2022 meeting as presented. Adam Paxman seconded. Discussion: None. Motion carried.
- Approve and Accept Village Warrants through Thursday, April 7, 2022:
Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve and accept Village Warrants through Thursday, April 7, 2022 as presented. Adam Paxman seconded. Discussion: Adam Paxman asked about the payment made to AED Brands, LLC for $10,626.28. Reg informed him that the Village held CPR and First Aid classes for all employees and purchased AED machines. Motion carried.
- Police Cruiser Discussion:
Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager, stated she planned on a new police cruiser in this year’s budget and planned on it being delivered to the Village in the Fall of 2022. She said the police department is having issues finding one and some dealerships aren’t sure when they’ll get any in. She said Donnie Gilbert found one in New York that he can get now but she only has three months of lease payments figured in the budget and she needs nine months. She said she does have the option to get that one now and make their first lease payment in January 2023 which would put them behind by about $400. Adam Paxman made the motion to authorize the police department to go ahead and purchase a new cruiser now with the first lease payment being due in January 2023. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.
- Acknowledge 1st Quarter SQRP Report:
Chris Leach stated this is an internal report card for the electric department. He said it measures how well the customers are treated, records outages and work orders. He said the Village is well under 1% in all categories and said this is a very favorable report. He acknowledged that the Board of Trustees have received and reviewed the report.
- Discussion on ARPA Funds:
Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager, stated she participated in a webinar meeting last week regarding ARPA funds. She said the federal government relaxed the requirements for ARPA funds and are recommending that anyone receiving less than $10,000,000 to elect to take a special allowance for loss of revenue. She said this requires less reporting and VLCT highly recommends that everyone do it. She said this is due by the end of April and she will have to elect this special allowance or they won’t be able to at a later date. Even if they take this special allowance they can still use the funds on water and sewer projects, it just broadens what it can be used for. She said the Village will receive just over $700,000 in ARPA funds and public input is not required but is recommended. Reg stated a public hearing would be held at a later date to get public input. Chris Leach made the motion to authorize the Village of Swanton to accept the standard allowance regarding ARPA funds. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.
- Any Other Necessary Business:
Adam Paxman stated the Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 30th at 2-2:30 p.m. rain or shine. He said they need volunteers to help with the parade. He said they will also hold a community BBQ after the parade in the park. He said he has been asked if the bridge could be lined with flags this year. He also said the 150 veterans flags will be erected in the park for Memorial Day.
Any Other Business: Eugene LaBombard asked if there was any update on the bridge repair. Reg Beliveau said they are on schedule for August and were bumped up on the list. Eugene asked if there was an update on the river crossing job. Reg said they will be doing another site visit in the near future. Eugene asked if the same summer help would be returning this summer. Reg said they haven’t discussed it yet and said he would like two individuals again this summer.
Any Other Business: Neal Speer reminded everyone that the Town, Village and School Board re-vote will be held on April 26th and an informational hearing would be held on April 21st at 7 p.m. here at the Complex. He said there will be speakers here to provide more information.
Any Other Business: Reg Beliveau informed the Board that the Barton Board of Trustees have voted to sell Barton Electric to Vermont Electric Coop. He said he and Lynn have been working with VPPSA regarding this and said an informational meeting will be held on Saturday at 3 p.m. in Barton. He said this will affect the remaining members of VPPSA and they have a flyer being distributed so that Barton voters know what questions to ask. He showed the recent rates of Barton, VEC and Orleans Electric. He said Barton trustees do not want to sell to Orleans Electric for some reason. Lynn said VPPSA can’t purchase it but for the last two years have been offering office help to them. Lynn said her and Reg will be at the meeting representing VPPSA.
- Executive Session to Discuss Real Estate and Personnel:
Adam Paxman made the motion to enter Executive Session to discuss real estate and personnel at 8:25 p.m. Chris Leach seconded. Motion carried.
Chris Leach made the motion to exit Executive Session at 9:12 p.m. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.
- Adjournment:
Chris Leach made the motion to adjourn the Regular Board of Trustees meeting at 9:12 p.m. Adam Paxman seconded. There being no further business at hand, Neal Speer, Village President, adjourned the meeting at 9:12 p.m. Motion carried.
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Neal Speer, Village President Date
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Dianne Day, Village Clerk Date