This page is maintained by Swanton Village, Inc and is intended to be the official online posting of public meetings and minutes in accordance with Vermont’s Open Meeting law (Amended July 1st, 2014).

Sunday, October 19, 2014

September 22, 2014








Monday, September 22, 2014

7 PM


PRESENT: Neal Speer, Village President; Chris Leach, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Reg Beliveau, Village Manager; and Channel 16.


Unless otherwise noted, all motions carried unanimously.


Neal Speer, Village President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


1. Approve and Accept Minutes from Monday, September 8, 2014 Meeting:


Adam Paxman made the motion to approve and accept Minutes from Monday, September 8, 2014 as presented. Chris Leach seconded. Discussion: Chris Leach asked if there was any progress made with getting Unit #2 back on line at the Hydro Plant. Reg Beliveau explained that Al Mosher was still working on it. Chris Leach stated the Minutes said an expert was coming in. Reg stated he couldn’t figure it out either and said Al Mosher has ordered a part and it will be in this week. Eugene LaBombard asked how long it has been down. Reg stated it has been down for several different reasons lately but this last one is a certain part they are trying to figure out. More discussion took place regarding this Unit and the Board stated they were disappointed this wasn’t up and running by now. Motion carried.


2. Approve and Accept Village Warrants through Friday, September 19, 2014:


Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve and accept Village Warrants through Friday, September 19, 2014 as presented. Adam Paxman seconded. Discussion: Chris Leach asked what Three C Electric payment for $42,000 was for. Reg Beliveau stated that was for breaker work and testing at the Hydro Plant during the shut-down. Adam Paxman asked what ECI was for? Reg stated that was for paving Second St. and Fourth St.  Adam Paxman also asked about VT Electric Power, Reg stated he wasn’t sure on that one but would find out for them and let them know. Motion carried.


3. Electric Cost of Service Update:


Reg Beliveau informed the Board that after the first round of going in for a rate increase of 10.69% they were intending on going in for a Class Cost of Service update with the Public Service Board. He said the Village is filing for an extension for that update for November 1, 2014. He said this is just time consuming and requires a lot of work so they need this extension. Chris Leach said he agrees because there appears to be some inequities with the demand metering. Reg stated they wanted to raise those numbers some and the Board stated they would like to make it easier for customers to be able to get off demand metering if they get their numbers below the proper numbers. Eugene LaBombard also stated this will bring them up to date on other issues as well. Reg stated he would keep them up to date on this issue.


4. Interfund Borrowing Resolution:


Reginald Beliveau stated this is part of the 108 filing that the voters recently approved regarding interfund borrowing in the Electric Department. He said this was the Resolution drawn up by the Village Attorney and he needs a motion as well. Adam Paxman made the motion to adopt the Village of Swanton Interfund Borrowing Resolution for $1.3 million dollars to be signed by Village Clerk Dianne Day. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.


5. Transco Equity Purchase:


Reginald Beliveau stated the Village of Swanton purchased some equity last year but did so directly through Velco. He said this year VPPSA would purchase our equity from Velco and finance it for a term of seven years with a fixed interest of approximately 4.4% with a principal paid balance over a 20 year amortization. Chris Leach asked when does Swanton Village see the fruits of our labor here? Reg stated he believed it was yearly we receive dividends from Transco from this. Adam Paxman stated it looks like we have a little bit of time here before we have to make a decision. Reg stated we had a month to decide. Chris stated he had a lot of respect for John Morley and his work. Chris Leach made the motion to table this item until they found out what the pay-out schedule was and what form it is in. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.


6. Swanton Enhancement Project Update:


Adam Paxman stated he wanted to update everyone that things are looking up. He said MVU and Swanton Schools are now on board with the head of the Supervisory Union Mr. Wynn Goodrich as well. Reg stated they have endorsed the Enhancement Committee partaking in the community visit. Adam said they are still looking for people to help support them but are still plugging away getting ready for the community visit hopefully at the end of January. Reg stated they will have another public meeting at the end of October and they encourage people to attend. He said they are informative and gives people the opportunity to see what’s going on and see what they need help with.


7. Utility Pole Ordinance:


Reg Beliveau stated this Ordinance has been in the works for some time now and they are trying to figure out the correct spot in the Ordinances to put it. He said they could put in under Traffic Ordinances or Miscellaneous. Chris Leach asked where is it stated you aren’t allowed to attach anything to any of Swanton Village’s utility poles. Reg stated that is something they could add to this Ordinance. He said he has a video from NEPPA showing what would happen to a lineman if his glove were to get punctured from something as small as a needle. When people post signs to utility poles with staples or nails they are endangering our linemen who climb these poles. Eugene LaBombard stated this is a State law and we should find the language on that. More discussion took place regarding the language of the Ordinance and making it clearer and easier to understand. The basic rule of this Ordinance is so that old poles are being removed in a timely manner and that utility companies are switching over to the new poles in a timely manner. Reg stated he would work on the language a bit more and would bring it back before the Board for approval.


8. Merchants Row Signs:


Adam Paxman stated the Chamber of Commerce office has been open quite a bit more this summer and he said he had someone come in and ask him where Merchants Row was. Adam stated he pointed across the street and said it is right there. The customer said “I’m from out of town, how would I know that? There are no signs.” Adam asked if there was any way they could have a sign made stating “Merchant’s Row”? The Board agreed this was a good idea, just having street signs made and placing one by Ferry Street and placing one at the top of Merchants Row by the VFW. Adam stated he could work with Mike Menard on this. Chris Leach asked if Mike Menard could do a street sign survey at some point and put it on next year’s budget plan and fix them as they come up. Eugene LaBombard asked who’s responsibility it was to clean Merchant’s Row. Chris stated he thought the Mason’s cleaned the front of theirs. Eugene asked if anyone agreed with him that it needed cleaning. The Board all agreed it did. Eugene thought maybe the Downtown Enhancement Committee group could contact them and take an interest in cleaning it up. Reg stated he’s had complaints from business owners about the smoking taking place outside and when they open their doors they smell smoke. He said he’s ordered three signs and hopefully that will help. Adam said he would like to see better store front signs there, he said there’s a couple that could be replaced. Eugene stated if you looked above your head on Merchants Row it’s terrible and needs repair. Adam said it’s getting the store owners to buy in and want to help clean it up. Adam said maybe there are some grants available to help with the lighting there but said the store owners need to take some responsibility there as well.


9. Discussion of a Building Inspector Position:


Adam Paxman stated he brought this up at the JLB meeting and the more he thought about it the more he feels they need to seriously consider having someone do building inspections in the Village and in the Town. He said this has become a necessity and he said in St. Albans City the Fire Chief is currently doing it. He said was hoping to hear back from some people he contacted in the south to see who’s doing it there or if they actually hired someone to do it. He said if they really want to clean up some of the areas in the community they need to take a step forward and consider this. He wanted some feedback from the Board. Chris Leach asked to what standard are you inspecting to and who is going to enforce what you want to do? Adam stated it should be State standards like fire safety and building inspections. Chris asked if this applied to single family homes, does it apply to only businesses in manufacturing and rental properties? Chris asked what would the enforcement be? Reg Beliveau stated first they would do an inspection and give a certain number of days to fix any infractions. If not you would then be fined for whatever the violation would be. Chris asked what would be the penalty and who gets the money and what happens if they don’t pay. Reg stated if it was a local person the fines would go to the community and you could condemn the property if was deemed unsafe. Eugene LaBombard asked what’s the property owner’s recourse? Reg stated if it’s life safety you need to fix it. Reg stated if a landlord doesn’t have smoke detectors or has junk blocking fire escapes that’s a life safety issue. He said a building inspector could help a landlord evict a tenant for issues like these. He said if you have a good tenant but a bad landlord and they’re not willing to come and make repairs then you would fine the landlord. Eugene stated there wasn’t much response to this at the JLB. Adam stated that was because he didn’t come prepared and said he still didn’t have all the information he wanted to have. Neal Speer asked if this would be another full time employee of Swanton Village. Adam stated it could be the Village or the Town. Chris asked why couldn’t it be for a bunch of towns, he didn’t feel it would be a 40 hour position. Reg stated there were 220 rental properties in Swanton. Adam stated if the municipalities got together and hired a building inspector for Franklin County that would be great. Reg stated there’s only two building inspectors working for the State right now. Reg said he could put Adam in contact with the State inspector for more information. Eugene LaBombard stated this sounded like more of a zoning issue responsibility within the community. Reg stated in some municipalities the inspectors salary is actually paid by the fines generated. Adam said he would reach out to the State inspector for more information and would like to get the ball rolling on this. He said there is a great need for this. Eugene stated there are a lot of eye sores in the Village that should be cleaned up. Adam said he would report back to the Board when he had more information. Chris Leach also stated he would need to report the financial plan on what this would cost and who would pay for it.


10. Any Other Necessary Business:


Chris Leach asked how Dianne Day was doing. Reg stated he brought her a plant and she was doing better. He said the next meeting they have she is going to Facetime the meeting. Chris also asked about the Maintenance Position. Reg stated the new guy has been hired and is working out well.


Any Other Business: Reg Beliveau stated he had a meeting with the State today regarding paving First Street in 2016. He said they are going to do 1.6 miles of Route 7 and Route 78. They are going to start on Route 78 by North Country Bait & Tackle and come in to the Village right where they started paving by the Complex and the other is on Route 7 on Grand Avenue up to the Town line on Spring Street. Eugene LaBombard asked Reg to make sure he mentions the intersection at North and South River Street because he feels the asphalt there isn’t of very good quality. Reg stated he was told the Town of Alburg used the same asphalt as they did on First Street and theirs is already starting to ripple up as well. Adam stated the intersection by Route 207 is doing the same thing also. Chris Leach asked if they should consider using concrete on those intersections. Reg stated that was mentioned and they are going to look into it. He said they have some paving money left over and he said Mike Menard is going to get some heavy duty aggregate and fill it in to help with plowing this winter. Reg stated he would need an Executive Session for Personnel.


Any Other Business: Neal Speer asked who is cutting trees down by the dam? Reg Beliveau stated Mike Menard went in and cleared out some small shrubs.



11. Executive Session (If Necessary):


Chris Leach made the motion to enter into Executive Session to Discuss Personnel at 8:00 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.


Adam Paxman made the motion to exit Executive Session at 8:25 p.m. Chris Leach seconded. Motion carried.




ADJOURN: Chris Leach made the motion to adjourn the Regular Board of the Trustees meeting at 8:25 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. There being no further business at hand, Neal Speer, Village President, adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Motion carried.





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Neal Speer, Village President                           Date



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Dianne Day, Village Clerk                               Date