7:00 P.M.
PRESENT: Ronald Kilburn, Village President; Chris Leach,
Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Reginald Beliveau,
Village Manager; Dianne Day, Village Clerk; Leonard Stell, Chief of Police;
Neal Speer and Channel 16.
Ronald Kilburn, Village
President, welcomed all to the Regular Board of Trustees Meeting and called the
meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Unless otherwise noted, all
motions carried unanimously.
1. Approve and
Accept the Minutes from Monday, December 3, 2012:
Eugene LaBombard made the
motion to approve and accept the Minutes from Monday, December 3, 2012 as
presented. Adam Paxman seconded. Discussion: Ron Kilburn stated the wording
regarding Kevin Cleary should be changed to “needs this relationship” instead
of “needs this connection.” He also requested the words “Village Complex” be
added to paragraph 4 discussing the heating cost savings due to insulation and
new siding. Motion carried.
2. Approve Village
Warrants Through December 14, 2012:
Chris Leach made the motion
to approve and accept Village Warrants (#505-#507) through December 14, 2012 as
presented. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Discussion: Chris Leach asked what vendor
Charbonneau’s Body Shop was for. Reg explained that was for repair to the
police cruiser after hitting a deer. The insurance company paid the Village and
the Village paid Charbonneau’s. Adam Paxman asked what Mountain Air was for,
Reg said they worked on the heating systems doing quarterly maintenance. Eugene
LaBombard asked if this was the last payment to NECCO. Reg stated the upgrade
was complete as of December 14, 2012 except for some miscellaneous small jobs. Motion
3. Discussion on Marble Mill Improvements by MVUHS
Reg Beliveau, Village
Manager, explained to the Board that he emailed MVU and asked them to attend
this meeting but he hadn’t heard back from them. He said he would keep this
item on the agenda to see what they can do to make Marble Mill more appealing
than in the past. Chris Leach asked if the Village planned on rejuvenating the
tennis and basketball court. Reg said the Teen Center had done some painting
there but it does need more. Chris stated that he was asked this summer about
paving the loop from Marble Mill up Webster Terrace for walking, biking, etc.
He said it would also need lighting through there. The Board suggested looking
into Fit & Healthy about possible grant money to achieve this. Reg stated
that the MVU students discussed planting shrubs and flowers and possibly making
a couple of picnic tables to put in the park. Reg said he would like each
junior class to continue this project each year. Ron Kilburn asked if the
Highway Department would be able to help the students, Reg stated they would
and said they have already cleared a lot trees there. Reg said the Rain Garden
project has been abandoned by the State because it’s a flood plain area but he
said he may still put one in. He said the State is still looking at installing
catch basins on Webster Terrace.
4. Evelyn Lane Ownership:
Beliveau stated that Andre Leduc contacted the Village about plowing Evelyn
Lane and he said they agreed to this. He said the road bed is sturdy and they
have agreed to plow it. He said there’s a Right of Way issue going on with one
of the lots and he wants that resolved before the Village will take ownership
of Evelyn Lane. He will update the Board when the issue has been resolved.
5. Winter Parking Ban
Ordinance Discussion:
Chief Stell was present for
this item and stated that Mike Menard had approached him asking to extend the
dates on their existing Winter Parking Ban. Now the Ban is in effect from
December 1st to March 15th each year. They are requesting
it be extended to April 15th due to several late spring snow storms.
Chief Stell said that many municipalities currently have their Parking Ban in
effect to April 15th. He stated he would ask to extend the Ban to April
15th, remove paragraph B allowing the Police Chief to allow
individuals to park on the street, and add paragraph C stating they would fine
individuals $25 for their first offense and $50 for their second offense.
Paragraph D states vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense. Chris Leach
stated it should be clear that they are referring to no parking on the traveled
portion of the roadway. Chief Stell advised the Police Department has been
placing warnings on vehicles for first time offenses. He said this was a rough
draft and said it would be ready for adoption at their next meeting if they so
6. 2013 Budget Discussion:
Reg Beliveau explained that
the overall budget increased .0242 cents and that would affect a home assessed
at $180,000 by $43.20. He said that salaries have decreased approximately
$180,000 due to overtime hours at the Water Treatment Plant, the Hydro Plant
and two retirements. He said after the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) the
total reduction in salaries is $80,000. Eugene LaBombard asked if the Fire
Department budget was finalized yet. Reg stated all the numbers are in, it has
increased 16% due to the truck purchase. Reg stated that the proposed tax rate
for 2013 is .6766 and that in 2012 it was .6524. The Board decided they would
hold a special working meeting to discuss and review this budget on December 19th
at 6 p.m.
7. Discussion on Water Transmission and Distribution
Eugene LaBombard stated that
this item is on the agenda per his request. He said he feels they should go
ahead and ask for a bond on the March ballot to replace the transmission line
and some distribution lines in the Village. He requested they meet with Aldrich
& Elliott to get firm numbers to do these upgrades. Reg stated that he
spoke with Kirsten Bourgeois and she advised him to speak with Tim Smith from
Franklin County Industrial Development to see if there are any grants available
for this project. He advised he would do so. Chris Leach stated he wanted to
stay with engineers Aldrich & Elliott because they have already done most
of the work on this project. He said he wanted to keep the water rates as
reasonable as possible. The Board suggested we invite Aldrich & Elliott to the
first meeting in January to discuss this further.
8. Any Other Necessary Business:
Chris Leach mentioned the
school shooting in Newtown, CT and expressed their condolences to the families
involve and asked if our schools were protected. Chief Stell advised they have
an Officer on duty at MVUHS and said for the last 5-6 years Leon Begnoche and
Pete Prouty have a good safety plan in existence for our area. Reg Beliveau
stated that it’s a joint effort with our Police Department, Fire Department,
EMS personnel and even Border Patrol and VT State Police. Chief Stell stated
they meet on a regular basis to train and also run drills at the schools to
keep the children aware of it. Ron Kilburn asked if there is an actual plan in
writing and asked how he could get a copy of it. Chief Stell advised anyone can
see a model plan on the Homeland Security’s website but said the actual plan in
place at our schools is confidential.
Any Other Business: Reg Beliveau stated that the Solar Aerators arrived for the Sewer Plant
and said the Village employees worked with Dimitri Hudak from Efficiency VT
during the installation process. Mr. Hudak wrote Reg a very nice letter
complimenting the Village employees on his experience working with them. Reg
read the letter to the Board. Adam Paxman requested the letter be put in the
Village Report this year.
Any Other Business: Adam Paxman stated he would like to thank Reg Beliveau and the
Village staff for their Christmas in the Park celebration. He said the horse
rides and dog sled rides went well. Reg thanked the Chamber for letting the
Village do their tree lighting ceremony at their event.
Any Other Business: Adam Paxman asked if while working on the Parking Ban issue if they
could permanently make designated parking areas in the downtown Village area a
no parking area. He said the cars on the streets look bad and said they have
available parking but choose to park on the street instead. Ron Kilburn asked
if Adam was talking about year round and Adam stated yes. He suggested the
perimeter around the Village Park, in front of the stores, and Post Office. The
Board asked if the Police Department could check throughout the night to get an
idea of how many vehicles are parked on the streets. The Board requested this
be put on their next agenda for further review. Eugene LaBombard stated this
would require an Ordinance. Ron Kilburn stated there are three Municipal
parking lots – Marble Mill, behind the Town Clerk’s Office and behind the
Part’s Store.
Any Other Business: Adam Paxman stated that on Tuesday, December 18th the
Police Department was presenting their contract to the Town for a three year
term. He said he is very concerned about the Town not accepting it even if it
was $10 over. He said he would like to see the Village and Town stay united in
support, and that he is very concerned about rumors he has heard. He said he
hopes they consider the taxpayers and residents before making their decision.
Ron Kilburn stated they are rumors and should be treated as such. Eugene
LaBombard stated the PD coverage has been satisfactory. Ron stated he has heard
widespread satisfaction.
Any Other Business: Reg Beliveau stated he is still working on the Lower Swanton Dam
removal issue. He said they still have a FERC permit in place and they are
reviewing the numbers to do a feasibility study. He said HL Turner will present
a public hearing on this issue. Ron Kilburn stated he has read the Missisquoi
Bay Watershed Plan and that ANR is advocating for removal of the Village dam.
He said they want to improve fish spawning habitat between the lower dam and
Highgate Falls. This plan is not supportable in his opinion because it does not
take into account Village plans to develop additional hydro at that location as
well as continued utilization of the impoundment for fire protection and
recreation activities. Ron further stated it does not demonstrate how removal
will improve the water quality of Missisquoi Bay.
Any Other Business: Reg Beliveau received VLCT’s Pacif 25th year resolution
and he read that to the Board.
9. Executive Session (If Needed).
Chris Leach made the motion
to enter into Executive Session at 8:28 p.m. to discuss Real Estate with Neal
Speer, representative to the Regional Planning Commission. Adam Paxman
seconded. Motion carried.
Adam Paxman made the motion
to exit Executive Session at 9:05 p.m. Chris Leach seconded. Motion carried.
ADJOURN: Adam Paxman made the motion to adjourn the Regular
Board of Trustees meeting at 9:05 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. There being
no further business at hand Ron Kilburn, Village President; adjourned the
Regular Board of Trustees meeting at 9:05 p.m.
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Ronald Kilburn, Village
President Date
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