Monday, July 9, 2012
7:00 PM
PRESENT: Ronald Kilburn, Village President; Chris Leach,
Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Reginald Beliveau,
Village Manager; Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager; Dianne Day, Village
Clerk; Leonard Stell, Chief of Police; Ed Daniels; and Channel 16.
Ronald Kilburn, Village
President, welcomed all to the Regular Board of Trustees meeting and called the
meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Unless otherwise noted, all
motions carried unanimously.
1. Approve and Accept the
Minutes from Monday, June 11, 2012 Meeting:
Adam Paxman made the motion
to approve and accept the Minutes from Monday, June 11, 2012 as presented. Chris
Leach seconded. Chris asked if any trees in the Park had been cut, Reg advised
that the Electric crew had cut some in the Village Green and that two trees
have been replaced already in Flat Iron Park. Chris also asked about the shrubs
protruding over the sidewalks. Reg stated he is getting a quote from H&B
Greenhouse for trees to be planted in the Village Green. He said they advised
that fall is the best time of year to plant trees. Reg stated he talked with a
resident about his shrubs covering the sidewalk and the resident was fine with
them being cut. Ron Kilburn mentioned the park benches and said there are some
at the Town Clerks office and he would like Reg to take a look at them. He said
they are made of concrete, very comfortable and sturdy and are traditional in
style. He said they can be anchored down. Reg advised he would take a look at
them. Motion carried to approve the Minutes.
2. Approve Village
Warrants Through July 6, 2012:
Eugene LaBombard made the
motion to approve and accept Village Warrants through July 6, 2012 as
presented. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried. Chris Leach asked why I wasn’t
numbering the warrants, I explained I was using the date instead that way they
can be more current and up to date. They approved of this practice.
3. Chad Spooner from the
VT Department of Health Presenting an Overview – What They’re Doing In Our
Local Community:
I advised the Board that Chad
Spooner called and cancelled his presentation due to staffing changes. He said
he would call back in a month or two to reschedule.
4. Solar Aerators for
Waste Water Treatment Plant Discussion:
Reg Beliveau advised the
Board that he has been looking into replacing the aging electric Solar Aerators
at the Waste Water Treatment Plant since last year and said they haven’t been
able to get any firm numbers until now. He said he’s been given a quote from
Aeromix on replacing all five units and would like for the Board to look over
this information before making a decision. He said the cost for all five units
would be approximately $101,000 after Efficiency Vermont money is received and
they have been looking into a couple of leasing options which include a
Municipal Lease or a lease from the manufacturer with a buyout for $1 at the
end of the 5 year lease. He said this would be the first benchmarking system in
the State of Vermont so they are very interested in moving forward.
Aeromix recommends upgrading
the facility to a CMS process (Controlled Mix Stabilization). The upgrade would
consist of three units with remote monitoring in the primary pond and one unit
placed in each of the secondary and tertiary ponds for a total of five units.
This process results in increased dissolved oxygen concentrations in the
aerobic layer and thereby accelerates the digestion of soluble BOD while
decreasing opportunity for algae blooms and odor problems, producing a
healthier aquatic environment.
Lynn Paradis showed the Board
what she has figured if they were to lease the units with either Aeromix Lease
or with Municipal Leasing Consultants. She also informed them they would save
approximately 44% of their electric bill at that WWTP which amounts to
approximately $25,000 per year.
Chris Leach asked if there
wasn’t enough sun how would the units work. Reg explained that each unit has a
two amp motor that will be hard wired and that they are real easy to maintain.
Reg said that in past years they have factored into the budget replacing one or
two units per year but he is recommending replacing all five units at once and
leasing them through one of these companies. He said he would like for the
Board members to look this information over and at their next meeting make a
decision on this purchase. Ron Kilburn asked if this was a necessity now and
Reg advised that yes it was. Adam asked what their lifespan was, Reg said
approximately 20 years. Eugene asked if the price included installation. Reg
advised that they could do some of the work with their boom truck. Reg thanked
the Board and said he would include this item on their next agenda.
5. Police Department
Cruiser Lease Information:
Lynn Paradis informed the
Board that their new Police cruiser has come in and they have been discussing
leasing this cruiser. She advised this is the new police cruiser for the Town
Police Contract and would be part of the operating lease, if the budget is not
passed they can turn the car back over. She has received a quote from Municipal
Leasing which is 36 months, 4.29% interest rate for a total of $31,726.80 or
Ford Leasing at 6.15% interest rate for a total of $32,218.56 with a $1 buyout
on each lease.
Chris Leach asked if the
Village leased any other vehicles and Lynn said no they haven’t in the past.
She said there are no funds in the Capital Reserve Fund so she has been
thinking about leasing this vehicle for the Town Police Contract.
Chris Leach made the motion
to authorize Lynn Paradis to move forward with Municipal Leasing Corporation
with an interest rate of 4.29% for a total cost of $31,726.80 to lease the
police cruiser for the Town Police Contract. He also authorizes Reg Beliveau,
Village Manager, to sign all necessary documents pertaining to this lease
agreement. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.
Leonard Stell advised that it
cost approximately $4000 for the necessary equipment and paint needed to set up
the cruiser. He said the reviews on this cruiser are great, the gas mileage is
good, its AWD and he said a lot of these items are factored into the budget
with the Town.
6. Water Rate Discussion:
Reg Beliveau advised because
of the upgrade to the Water Treatment Plant there will need to be a rate
increase and asked if they should do it all in one shot or in increments. Chris
Leach asked if a study was done on this and Lynn advised that she has received
some numbers from Aldrich & Elliott but would like some direction from the
Board. Lynn explained how the rate structure was set up now and said they have
looked into restructuring the rate schedule based on meter size and usage. She
explained the fixed cost and variable cost factored into setting the rates.
Chris said he liked the idea of using meter size because this would be
beneficial to a lot of small businesses that don’t use a lot of water. Lynn
advised she has run the numbers a few different ways and also factored
depreciation into the rates. She also explained that our water rates now are
way below state average and that’s why the Village didn’t receive any grant
funds to help with the upgrade. Chris stated he liked the meter size schedule
and Adam agreed stating it was simple and understandable. Eugene stated he
agreed but was worried about the large industries. He said he would like to see
some of these proposed bills before they move forward and asked when she would
implement the rate increase. Lynn stated she would like to by the third or
fourth quarter that way the ratepayers are hearing about it now and can call
and ask questions.
Chris Leach asked why the
rates were different for the Town and Village residents and Lynn stated that it
was required on one of the bonds for the CSO project and that it is based on
ownership. Chris stated Village residents own the system so they should get a
better rate because of that. Reg stated he liked this structure because it
entices conservation. Chris advised he would like to see some examples of the
bills, show the differences, look at residential, commercial and industrial.
Lynn stated she also received
some numbers from Wayne Elliott regarding the sewer rate information and they
would like to use the same theory on the sewer rates. Lynn explained the
handful of customers who are on special sewer rates and said it’s not
consistent and said she would like to simplify those rates as well. She
explained BOD and phosphorus are factored into this billing. Chris stated that
if a customer is required to file with the State of Vermont then they should be
on this special billing but if not they should be on regular billing, that
seems more fair.
Adam asked if they could just
increase the water rates now and not sewer. Lynn stated that the sewer rates
really needed it now also, that they are heavily in debt in that department.
Reg said they have sat down and looked at the rates and said this is
uncomfortable but necessary. Chris stated that they have always made good
business decisions, he would like for it to be fair and not manipulated. Eugene
stated they shouldn’t be surprised because the voters approved the project.
Chris stated their rates now are extremely inexpensive and below average so feels
this is necessary. Ron asked what was the best way to do PR on this and Lynn
advised they hold a public forum meeting. Chris asked if they could also do a
bill insert and Lynn advised she wanted to wait for solid numbers before doing
that. She advised she would work up some sample bills showing before and after
increase and also said she would like to keep the water and sewer rates the
same. She said the sewer rate discussion would be added to the next agenda as
well and said she would show the comparison impact on the bills.
7. Yard Sale Discussion --
Ron Kilburn stated that as
Zoning Administrator he has received a lot of calls regarding yard sales in the
Village. He said he is not advocating for stricter laws or an Ordinance but
suggest they have a discussion on it. Eugene LaBombard asked if residents
picked up their items afterward would that be better? Chief Stell advised there
have been a couple of places where it caused a traffic issue and that he has
talked with the homeowners and resolved the issue. He said their biggest
complaint is items left in the Village green such as couches, mattresses, etc.
He said that’s the bigger issue at this time. Chief Stell advised that when St.
Albans City adopted an Ordinance in 1997 it was heavily enforced but now
enforcement is almost none and they still have a problem with garbage left in
the Right of Way. He asked how would they enforce an Ordinance, go to every
sale and ask for a license. He said he would prefer to put the word out there
that they are having a problem with items left in the right of way and ask for
residents to get rid of their garbage in the proper place. Chris Leach advised
the Georgia Solid Waste site is open six days per week.
Ron Kilburn stated if they
had an Ordinance it would be a burden on the Village Clerk to issue licenses
and a burden on the Police to enforce it but stated that Zoning cannot enforce
this. Ed Daniel stated he was concerned about this because neighbors of his had
to park elsewhere because of a sale being held, they couldn’t get into their
own driveway. He suggested an insert being sent with electric or water bills
stating the trash left alongside the road had to be taken care of. He wondered
if one day per month the local trash haulers would volunteer their time and
pick these items up.
Ron stated that every street
has a Right of Way (ROW) and asked how they should deal with a ROW violation.
He asked if they wanted to consider something like “improper disposal in the
ROW.” Adam stated he liked the idea of contacting the local trash haulers and
ask them if they would consider picking up these items. Ron stated he would
contact some of the local haulers and ask them to come in and discuss this
issue with the Board. Discussion took place about adding this item to the next
JLB agenda because it affected town residents as well.
8. Discussion on New
Complex Sign:
Reg Beliveau handed out
examples of the proposed new Village Complex sign. He said it would cost
approximately $800 and it was a two sided sign approximately 4’x 8’ in size. Ed
Daniel stated he would like to see a sign up by the street lights that shows
“to Swanton Village Complex” with an arrow. He also stated he would like to see
a computerized sign on the bottom of the new Complex sign where they could
advertise messages. Eugene LaBombard suggested purchasing from a local
business. Reg stated he would get more pricing and keep the Board of Trustees
9. Any Other Necessary
Chris Leach stated that this
week in the St. Albans Messenger there were articles on Smart Metering about
safety issues. He said real concerns are the impact on the user, company, etc.
He said both articles implied these meters would tell you how many kwh’s each
appliance used but failed to mention you need to purchase smart appliances. He
said he would be writing a letter to the editor because he wanted people to
understand how this really works and how the data is collected.
Any Other Business: Chris Leach asked about the JLB agenda for July 17th.
He asked that they review the previous meeting’s Minutes to see what was there
for action items and said they add Yard Sale discussion to that agenda.
Any Other Business: Eugene LaBombard asked who is responsible for taking
care of the sidewalk, walkways and mailbox on Merchants Row? The Board thought
the individual businesses were responsible for their storefront sidewalk, etc.
Eugene stated the mailbox there was very dirty and should be cleaned. Ron
advised he would mention it to the Post Master.
Any Other Business: Reg stated that the Fire Department is going through
60 pages of proposal for their new Fire Truck and he asked the Board if he
could authorize Fire Chief Rick King to sign the new truck contract.
Adam Paxman made the motion
to authorize Fire Chief Rick King to sign all necessary documents pertaining to
the new fire truck purchase with concurrence with Village Manager Reg Beliveau.
Chris Leach seconded. Motion carried.
10. Executive Session to
Discuss Legal Matters:
Chris Leach made the motion
to enter into Executive Session at 9:05 p.m. to discuss Legal Matters. Eugene
LaBombard seconded.
Adam Paxman made the motion
to exit Executive Session at 9:35 p.m. Chris Leach seconded.
ADJOURN: Chris Leach made the motion to adjourn at 9:36 p.m.
Adam Paxman seconded. There being no further business at hand, Ron Kilburn,
Village President, adjourned the Regular Board of Trustees meeting at 9:36 p.m.
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Ronald Kilburn, Village
President Date
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Dianne Day, Village Clerk Date