This page is maintained by Swanton Village, Inc and is intended to be the official online posting of public meetings and minutes in accordance with Vermont’s Open Meeting law (Amended July 1st, 2014).

Monday, March 12, 2012



Monday, March 12, 2012
7:00 PM

PRESENT: Chris Leach, Trustee; Adam Paxman, Trustee; Eugene LaBombard, Trustee; Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager; Dianne Day, Village Clerk; and Channel 16.

Unless otherwise noted, all motions carried unanimously.

Chris Leach, Village Trustee, welcomed all to the Regular Board of Trustees meeting and called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

1. Approve and accept the Minutes from Monday, February 13, 2012 Meeting, Minutes from the Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Informational Meeting and Minutes from the Wednesday, March 7, 2012 Special Meeting:

Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve and accept Minutes from the following meetings: Monday, February 13, 2012; Tuesday, February 28, 2012 and Wednesday, March 7, 2012. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.

Chris Leach advised that Village President Ronald Kilburn is presently in Cuba on assignment working on the restoration of ancient buildings and Village Manager Reg Beliveau is in Washington, D.C. with VPPSA working on some Electric Department issues.

2. Approve the following Warrants: Warrant #380 for $84,745.19; Warrant #381 for $5,400.00; Warrant #382 for $67,032.84; Warrant #383 for $332.42; Warrant #384 for $1,052.24; Warrant #385 for $215,506.03; Warrant #386 for $384.99; Warrant #387 for $186,549.06; Warrant #388 for $105,027.97; Warrant #389 for $2,887.29; Warrant #390 for $496.93; Warrant #391 for $366.22; Warrant #392 for $77,821.77; Warrant #393 for $641,884.03; Warrant #394 for $10,968.86 and Warrant #395 for $108,083.77:

Eugene LaBombard asked why there were two items crossed out on Warrant #393. Lynn advised that they had transferred funds for their anticipation note into the proper debt account and this just showed a wash of those funds being transferred.

Eugene LaBombard made the motion to approve Warrants #380 through #395 as presented. Adam Paxman seconded. Motion carried.

3. Any Other Necessary Business:

Lynn Paradis, Assistant Village Manager, informed the Board that Unit #5 was in operation at the Hydro Facility as of today and running over 500 KW. She said they are collecting data on a 24 hour basis and are pleased with the outcome thus far.

Any Other Business: Lynn also advised the Board that their new transformer was in the Elm Street Sub-Station and as soon as they get their permit it will be installed. She said this is being paid for in part by the Velco ARRA grant. She said this transformer is double the size of the one it will replace and 30 years newer. She said with the transformer they now have it is tough carrying their load but will be carried fine with this new transformer.

Any Other Business: Adam Paxman wanted to thank all the voters for their support on Tuesday, March 6th. He said all articles passed and he is grateful for their support. He also noted that because good weather is here he has noticed a lot of vehicles speeding throughout the Village and he urged them to slow down and be aware of people walking on and near the streets.

Any Other Business: Chris Leach also thanked the voters for re-electing him on March 6th. He said he appreciates the support and will continue to do his best. He said he is mostly involved with the Electric Department and there are a lot of good things happening in that department. He said anyone can call him or approach him at anytime with any questions they may have.

Any Other Business: Chris Leach asked if I had sworn Betty Cheney in as of yet. I explained I have not but will this week as soon as I see her. He also asked if Neal Speer had returned his key. I said we discussed it and he would be doing so soon. He advised I give that key to Ronald Kilburn so that he has access to the building. I said I would make a note of it.

Chris Leach stated the Board would need an Executive Session to Discuss Personnel and Contracts for the Police Department because as of April 1, 2012 they will be covering the Town of Swanton as well as the Village.

Adam Paxman made the motion to enter into Executive Session to Discuss Personnel and Contracts regarding the Police Department at 7:10 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.

Adam Paxman made the motion to exit Executive Session at 8:20 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.

Adam Paxman made the motion to enter Open Session at 8:20 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded.

ACTION TAKEN: Adam Paxman made the motion to authorize the Chief of Police to hire one full time officer and one part time officer. He also made the motion to amend the Police Department Contract so that the Village of Swanton Village Manager is the authorized signer of the Contract and the Contract is Reviewed by the Chief of Police. Eugene LaBombard seconded. Motion carried.

ADJOURN: Adam Paxman made the motion to adjourn the Regular Board of Trustees meeting at 8:21 p.m. Eugene LaBombard seconded. There being no further business at hand Chris Leach, Village Trustee; adjourned the Regular Board of Trustees meeting at 8:21 p.m.

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Ronald Kilburn, Village President                                Date

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Dianne Day, Village Clerk                                           Date